Town Halls! Phone calls! Letters! Wow! How your actions have made a difference

Defending rooftop solar from the utilities and their government enablers is a bit of a roller coaster ride.  Over the last few years, we’ve learned some important lessons on how to beat back the utilities, and we’ve had some important wins that have kept rooftop solar alive in California. We are publishing these lessons so that our shared Alliance can …

Thanks to you, more than 200 cities are cutting solar red tape

Over the past year, thousands of solar users successfully pushed their local governments to streamline their solar permitting process, helping to make it faster and easier for their neighbors to go solar. See if your city or county has taken the first step. If you don’t see them on the map you can use these resources to nudge them to do so. …

Update: Solar Tax defeated, again!​

We are happy to report that the authors of SB 846 have agreed to clarify in writing that the bill will not impose a Solar Tax on the solar energy you produce and consume at home.  In other words, you helped defeat the Solar Tax. Again. This is the third time in the last year we have had to fight to …

State regulators acknowledge solar’s benefits to the grid, reject SDG&E proposed fee

Thanks to a strong outpouring of public comment from people like you, state regulators at the CA Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) rebuffed utility lobbyists on several fronts this Spring. SDG&E $39/month fee rejected In March, the CPUC officially rejected San Diego Gas & Electric’s proposal to add $39 / month to their customers’ energy bills. Over 2,500 San Diegans flooded the …

Over 2,000 San Diego solar users fight proposed utility fee

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) is proposing to add $39 per month to their solar customers’ monthly bill. And, they’re blaming solar users for it. If approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), the fee will wipe out many people’s solar savings and discourage others from even considering solar. SDG&E falsely claims that solar users burden the grid, …

Solar users went to your State Capitol. Here’s how it went.

In late August, two dozen solar users from across the state joined solar workers at the State Capitol to educate lawmakers about the benefits of rooftop solar, part of our 2nd Annual Solar Lobby Day. All in all, we met with over twenty lawmakers or their staffs in one day. Why do we organize Solar Lobby Day? The main goal …

Good news: Cities can’t tax your solar thanks to state lawmaker action

State lawmakers took a stand for your right to make solar energy by ensuring local governments can’t tax your solar. Background: local governments often charge taxes on services like cable and electricity. They’re called Utility Utilization Taxes (UUT). A few years ago, state lawmakers correctly recognized that you should not get taxed for the solar energy that you make and …

Solar heros of the month

These folks helped lead the successful grassroots opposition to the Sacramento utility’s proposed $40-$60 per month solar fee. Since then, they’ve organized lobby days for the Solar Bill of Rights and launched a new campaign to improve their utility’s approach to solar. Pictured left to right are Gabor Leidenfrost, Lee Miller and Alan Escarda (Solar Rights Alliance Executive Director Dave …

When you show up, solar wins

“…your officials have an interest in getting re-elected. Meeting with them, expressing your point to them directly, I think it can have a big impact.”  – Irvine resident Raj Pandey We agree with Raj. The Solar Bill of Rights was approved unanimously by the Senate Energy Committee in April in large part because the room was packed with 50 supporters, …