NEM3 Utility Petition: Cease and Desist

Dear Utilities: Cease and Desist Your Campaign Against Rooftop Solar!

To: Pedro J. Pizarro, CEO and Board of Directors, SoCal Edison
Patricia K. Poppe, CEO, and Board of Directors, PG&E
Caroline Winn, CEO, and Board of Directors, SDG&E

We, the undersigned, petition you to cease and desist your campaign against rooftop solar in California, and in particular your attack on net metering.

Over 1.3 million of your customers have invested in behind-the-meter solar energy systems to date, including more than 75,000 with batteries – to save money for our families and businesses, to meet our own on-site energy needs with reliable power, and to invest in clean energy. 

Your high-profile campaign to gut California’s net metering program threatens to put solar out of reach for most consumers and penalize those who are doing the right thing. Your efforts are not in the interest of your customers or the state of California at-large. 

This is California. We expect reliable, affordable and clean energy to power our daily lives. With all due respect, your companies are not fulfilling these needs today. What’s more, as California seeks to electrify cars and buildings, and at the same time, generate 100% of that electricity from renewable resources, it is critical that you work with your customers, not against, in building as much clean energy as quickly as possible.  

Please reverse course on your attack campaign on rooftop solar and chart a new path that collaborates with your customers in service of your ratepayers and the goals of our state. 
