PV Magazine: “A voice for the solar consumer: the SRA”

Influential solar industry trade paper PV Magazine published a supportive piece about Solar Rights Alliance today.

The entire article is worth reading. It does a nice job of outlining our theory of change and who is helping us get off the ground.

But in our opinion, this excerpt best captures Solar Rights Alliance:

What is also unique about SRA is that unlike other advocacy groups with a specific ideological bend – such as Conservatives for Energy Freedom – SRA is intentionally as broad as possible. “Our members may disagree about a lot of other things, but they agree on their right to generate their own electricity,” Rosenfeld told pv magazine. “We want this to be the biggest tent possible for people who have solar or want to get solar.”

We appreciated the acknowledgement of how Solar Rights Alliance members helped put SB 700 over the top.  And also how many members have also donated to ensure we can be financially sustainable and independent as we grow. It makes sense for the solar industry to help us get off the ground. We can sustain and keep our grassroots movement independent through the generosity of our members.

To our members: thank you for stepping up and speaking out for the right to make your own energy from the sun without interference from the monopoly. Let’s keep spreading the freedom and independence of solar, together.

Read: “A voice for the solar consumer: the SRA

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