Kill NEM #1 lead

Tell state lawmakers: No anti-solar bills during the pandemic

To the following members of the California State Assembly:

  • Speaker Anthony Rendon
  • Utilities & Energy Committee Chair Chris Holden

I hope this finds you and yours safe and healthy. Please remove AB 2582 (Carrillo) from this year’s legislative docket.

AB 2582 is a thinly disguised utility-sponsored attack on rooftop solar that will decrease public self-sufficiency in emergencies.

In these challenging and uncertain times, we should increase, not decrease, Californians’ self-sufficiency and resilience. 

Other pro-solar bills have been removed from the legislative calendar in the name of focusing on COVID. Letting AB 2582 remain is an affront to the very idea of resilience and contradicts everything that politicians are telling the public about how to handle this crisis.”